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watch & waonder semarang (2)
watch & waonder semarang (4)
watch & waonder semarang (24)
little step to the hill (21)
little step to the hill (22)
watch & waonder semarang (8)
watch n waonder preps (20)
little step to the hill (12)
little step to the hill (7)
little step to the hill (20)

Berline - Berama Lindungi Ekosistem


Invited by Dinda WHS​

Library-Cafe John Dijkstra, Jalan Letjen Suprapto, Kota Lama, Semarang, Indonesia

Sinta & I stayed in Semarang to take part of a gathering of eco-activsts from different regions of Central Java. Organizer Dinda WHS invited us to join their event "A Little Step to the Hill" and have an exchange of ideas and understandings with their fellow-activists. Inspired by the conversations, we decided to create a series of exercices of [watch & wa/onder] that opens up the idea of "eco-system" by looking at normalisation and activating our senses through poetics as an altered way of activism, creating self-awareness and introspection, besides fighting for environmental issues through politics. Togetherness was our common ground, with a slight difference in understanding of "community", not as a social pressure group but as a space for healing.

BERLINE is a local movement that pays attention to issues of environmental issues. . BERLINE's font is a combination of key ladder with Latin-style writing that is interpreted as a symbol of harmonization with simplicity. Simplicity is a life alternative because the unfair system that affects the destruction of our one and only home is the earth and the emptiness within us. BERLINE is active and a part of the environmental caring movement from 2010 that is currently based in Semarang Central Java. BERLINE conducts environmental campaign campaigns through art and cultural media to raise public awareness of the importance of forest, water and environmental conservation, by taking care of the environment for the future and giving public awareness of environmental sustainability with various activities mainly through the media of art and culture.


© 2024 Tan Vatey & Sinta Wibowo

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